A self-managed super fund gives you a great deal of financial freedom. It enables you to quite literally- take control of your future by letting you invest in the assets of your choice and reap the benefits of it.

However, a Self-Managed Super Fund requires some thoughts that requires serious consideration before you take the big step of taking control of your super.

  1. Time

Time is the most important factor when you manage your own super fund. An SMSF trustee should devote an ample amount of time (thumb rule- 5 hrs. a week) to managing his investments. Each investment that you make in an SMSF requires careful consideration of the risk and return associated with it. Analysis of investment risk and return demands your time. Formulating an investment strategy can also be a time-consuming process. Replicating someone else’s strategy might not be ideal for you.

  1. Required Funds

A self-managed super fund usually comes with many associated expenses some of which are:

  • Preparing the SMSF annual return
  • valuations of the SMSF’s assets
  • actuarial certificates for SMSFs paying income streams (pensions)
  • financial advice
  • legal fees, for example if the trust deed needs to be amended
  • assistance with fund administration
  • insurance for members.

This means having enough amount of money in your fund Is very important to make investments that generate more return than your expenses.

There is an existent general consensus of a minimum balance of 200,000 in your super to start an SMSF. However, at OneStopSMSF now you can benefit from our state of art optimization of funds that results in low operating and management costs.

OneStopSMSF do not provide any kind of financial advice to our clients. However, we partner with industry leading financial planners for your financial planning needs.


  1. Investment Experience

When you take charge of your super fund, it fundamentally gives you the freedom but also the responsibility of all the investment decisions you make in the super. It is highly recommended that you have prior experiences of investing in different assets to make the right choices and also in understanding the market to make investment decisions.

The above-mentioned pointers are some of the most important questions you should be asking yourself before you take that big step of taking control of your super.

  • With OneStopSMSF in the picture taking control of your super is now an easy process. Your investment decisions are made easy with our industry leading financial advisors.
  • You save a considerable amount of your administration charges which enables you to start funds with low balances.
  • Our financial advisors provide ongoing financial advices to people with less or no investment experiences.

Contact us to know more today